Functional Programming in Lean

Source code: basics.lean


The functional programming style is founded on simple, everyday mathematical intuition: if a procedure or method has no side effects, then (ignoring efficiency) all we need to understand about it is how it maps inputs to outputs, i.e. we can think of it as just a concrete method for computing a mathematical function. This is one sense of the word “functional” in “functional programming.” The direct connection between programs and simple mathematical objects supports both formal correctness proofs and sound informal reasoning about program behavior.

The other sense in which functional programming is “functional” is that it emphasizes the use of functions (or methods) as first-class values — i.e., values that can be passed as arguments to other functions, returned as results, included in data structures, etc. The recognition that functions can be treated as data gives rise to a host of useful and powerful programming idioms.

Other common features of functional languages include algebraic data types and pattern matching, which make it easy to construct and manipulate rich data structures, and sophisticated polymorphic type systems supporting abstraction and code reuse. Lean offers all of these features.

The first half of this chapter introduces the most essential elements of Lean. The second half introduces some basic tactics that can be used to prove properties of Lean programs.

Data and Functions

Enumerated Types

One notable aspect of Lean is that its set of built-in features is extremely small. For example, instead of providing the usual palette of atomic data types (booleans, integers, strings, etc.), Lean offers a powerful mechanism for defining new data types from scratch, with all these familiar types as instances. Naturally, the Lean distribution comes preloaded with an extensive standard library providing definitions of booleans, numbers, and many common data structures like lists and hash tables. But there is nothing magic or primitive about these library definitions. To illustrate this, we will explicitly restate all the definitions we need, before importing them implicitly from the library.

Days of the Week

To see how this definition mechanism works, let’s start with a very simple example. The following declaration tells Lean that we are defining a new set of data values — a type.

inductive day : Type
| sunday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday

The type is called day, and its members are monday, tuesday, etc. The second and following lines of the definition can be read “monday is a day, tuesday is a day, etc.” Having defined day, we can write functions that operate on days.

def next_weekday : day  day
| day.sunday := day.monday
| day.monday := day.tuesday
| day.tuesday := day.wednesday
| day.wednesday := day.thursday
| day.thursday := day.friday
| day.friday := day.monday
| day.saturday := day.monday

One thing to note is that the argument and return types of this function are explicitly declared. Like most functional programming languages, Lean can often figure out these types for itself when they are not given explicitly — i.e., it can do type inference — but we’ll generally include them to make reading easier.

Having defined a function, we should check that it works on some examples. There are actually three different ways to do this in Lean. First, we can use the command #reduce to evaluate a compound expression involving next_weekday.

#reduce next_weekday day.sunday
/- ==> day.monday -/

(We show Lean’s responses in comments, but, if you have a computer handy, this would be an excellent moment to fire up the Lean server under your favorite text editor — either VSCode or Emacs — and try this for yourself. Load this file, basics.lean, from the book’s Lean sources, find the above example, submit it to Lean, and observe the result.)

Second, we can record what we expect the result to be in the form of a Lean example:

example : next_weekday (next_weekday day.saturday) = day.tuesday := rfl

This declaration makes an assertion (that the second weekday after saturday is tuesday). Having made the assertion, we ask Lean to verify it, using the rfl term.

The details are not important for now (we’ll come back to them in a bit), but essentially this can be read as “the assertion we’ve just made can be proved by observing that both sides of the equality evaluate to the same thing.”

Third, we can ask Lean to extract, from our def, a program in some other, more conventional, programming language (C++) with a high-performance compiler. This facility is very interesting, since it gives us a way to go from proved-correct algorithms written in Lean to efficient machine code. (Of course, we are trusting the correctness of the C++ compiler, and of Lean’s extraction facility itself, but this is still a big step forward from the way most software is developed today.) Indeed, this is one of the main uses for which Lean was developed. We’ll come back to this topic in later chapters.


In a similar way, we can define the standard type bool of booleans, with members tt and ff.

inductive bool' : Type
| tt | ff

Although we are rolling our own booleans here for the sake of building up everything from scratch, Lean does, of course, provide a default implementation of the booleans, together with a multitude of useful functions and lemmas. (Take a look at /library/init/core.lean/ if you’re interested.) Whenever possible, we’ll name our own definitions and theorems so that they exactly coincide with the ones in the standard library, but with a quote mark.

Functions over booleans can be defined in the same way as above:

These examples show the use of Lean’s equation compiler for definitions. The corresponding multi-argument application syntax is illustrated by the following “unit tests,” which constitute a complete specification — a truth table — for the bor function:

example : bor' tt ff = tt := rfl
example : bor' ff ff = ff := rfl
example : bor' ff tt = tt := rfl
example : bor' tt tt = tt := rfl

Exercise: 1 star (bnand)

Remove sorry and complete the definition of the following function; then make sure that the example assertions below can each be verified by Lean. (Remove sorry and fill in each proof, following the model of the bor' tests above.) The function should return tt if either or both of its inputs are ff.

def bnand : bool'  bool'  bool' :=
sorry -- replace `:= sorry` with your definition

lemma test_bnand1 : bnand tt ff = tt := sorry -- fill in here
lemma test_bnand2 : bnand ff ff = tt := sorry -- fill in here
lemma test_bnand3 : bnand ff tt = tt := sorry -- fill in here
lemma test_bnand4 : bnand tt tt = ff := sorry -- fill in here

Exercise: 1 star (band3)

Do the same for the band3 function below. This function should return true when all of its inputs are tt, and ff otherwise.

def band3 (b1 : bool') (b2 : bool') (b3 : bool') : bool' :=
sorry -- replace `:= sorry` with your definition

#check bool'.tt
/- ===> tt : bool' -/
#check (bnot' tt)
/- ===> bnot' tt : bool' -/

Function Types

Every expression in Lean has a type, describing what sort of thing it computes. The #check command asks Lean to print the type of an expression.

#check bool'.tt
/- ===> tt : bool' -/
#check (bnot' tt)
/- ===> bnot' tt : bool' -/

Functions like negb itself are also data values, just like true and false. Their types are called function types, and they are written with arrows.

#check bnot'
/- ===> bnot' : bool' → bool' -/

The type of bnot', written bool bool and pronounced “bool arrow bool,” can be read, “Given an input of type bool, this function produces an output of type bool.” Similarly, the type of band', written bool bool bool, can be read, “Given two inputs, both of type bool, this function produces an output of type bool.”

Compound Types

The types we have defined so far are examples of “enumerated types”: their definitions explicitly enumerate a finite set of elements, each of which is just a bare constructor. Here is a more interesting type definition, where one of the constructors takes an argument:

inductive rgb : Type
  | red : rgb
  | green : rgb
  | blue : rgb
inductive color : Type
  | black : color
  | white : color
  | primary : rgb  color

Let’s look at this in a little more detail.

Every inductively defined type (day, bool, rgb, color, etc.) contains a set of constructor expressions built from constructors like red, primary, tt, ff, monday, etc. The definitions of rgb and color say how expressions in the sets rgb and color can be built:

  • red, green, and blue are the constructors of rgb;
  • black, white, and primary are the constructors of color;
  • the expression red belongs to the set rgb, as do the expressions green and blue;
  • the expressions black and white belong to the set color;
  • if p is an expression belonging to the set rgb, then primary p (pronounced “the constructor primary applied to the argument p”) is an expression belonging to the set color; and
  • expressions formed in these ways are the only ones belonging to the sets rgb and color.

We can define functions on colors using pattern matching just as we have done for day and bool.

def monochrome : color  bool'
  | black := tt
  | white := tt
  | (primary p) := ff

Since the primary constructor takes an argument, a pattern matching primary should include either a variable (as above) or a constant of appropriate type (as below).

def isred : color  bool'
  | black := ff
  | white := ff
  | (primary red) := tt
  | (primary _)   := ff

The pattern primary _ here is shorthand for “primary applied to any rgb constructor except red.” (The wildcard pattern _ has the same effect as the dummy pattern variable p in the definition of monochrome.)


Lean provides a name space system, to aid in organizing large developments. If we enclose a collection of declarations between namespace X and end X markers, then, in the remainder of the file after the End, these definitions are referred to by names like instead of just foo. We will use this language feature to introduce the definition of the type nat in an inner module so that it does not interfere with the one from the standard library (which we want to use in the rest because it comes with a tiny bit of convenient special notation).

namespace nat_playground


An even more interesting way of defining a type is to allow its constructors to take arguments from the very same type — that is, to allow the rules describing its elements to be inductive.

For example, we can define (a unary representation of) natural numbers as follows:

inductive nat : Type
  | zero : nat
  | succ : nat  nat.
The clauses of this definition can be read:
  • zero is a natural number.
  • succ can be put in front of a natural number to yield another one — if n is a natural number, then succ n is too.

Again, let’s look at this in a little more detail. The definition of nat says how expressions in the set nat can be built:

  • zero and succ are constructors;
  • the expression zero belongs to the set nat;
  • if n is an expression belonging to the set nat, then succ n is also an expression belonging to the set nat; and
  • expressions formed in these two ways are the only ones belonging to the set nat.

The same rules apply for our definitions of day, bool, color, etc.

The above conditions are the precise force of the Inductive declaration. They imply that the expression zero, the expression succ zero, the expression succ (succ zero), the expression succ (succ (succ zero)), and so on all belong to the set nat, while other expressions built from data constructors, like tt, andb tt ff, succ (succ ff), and zero (zero (zero succ)) do not.

A critical point here is that what we’ve done so far is just to define a representation of numbers: a way of writing them down. The names zero and succ are arbitrary, and at this point they have no special meaning — they are just two different marks that we can use to write down numbers (together with a rule that says any nat will be written as some string of succ marks followed by a zero). If we like, we can write essentially the same definition this way:

inductive nat' : Type
  | stop : nat'
  | tick : nat'  nat'

The interpretation of these marks comes from how we use them to compute.

We can do this by writing functions that pattern match on representations of natural numbers just as we did above with booleans and days — for example, here is the predecessor function:

open nat_playground.nat
def pred : nat  nat
  | zero := zero
  | (succ n) := n

The second branch can be read: “if n has the form succ n' for some n', then return n'.”

end nat_playground

Because natural numbers are such a pervasive form of data, Lean provides a tiny bit of built-in magic for parsing and printing them: ordinary arabic numerals can be used as an alternative to the “unary” notation defined by the constructors succ and zero. Lean prints numbers in arabic form by default:

open nat
#check succ (succ (succ (succ zero)))
/- ===> 4 : ℕ -/

def minustwo : nat  nat
  | zero := zero
  | (succ zero) := zero
  | (succ (succ n)) := n

#reduce (minustwo 4).
/- ===> 2 -/

The constructor succ has the type nat nat, just like pred and functions like minustwo:

#check succ
#check pred
#check minustwo

These are all things that can be applied to a number to yield a number. However, there is a fundamental difference between the first one and the other two: functions like pred and minustwo come with computation rules — e.g., the definition of pred says that pred 2 can be simplified to 1 — while the definition of succ has no such behavior attached. Although it is like a function in the sense that it can be applied to an argument, it does not do anything at all! It is just a way of writing down numbers. (Think about standard arabic numerals: the numeral 1 is not a computation; it’s a piece of data. When we write 111 to mean the number one hundred and eleven, we are using 1, three times, to write down a concrete representation of a number.)

For most function definitions over numbers, just pattern matching is not enough: we also need recursion. For example, to check that a number n is even, we may need to recursively check whether n-2 is even:

def evenb : nat  bool
  | zero := true
  | (succ zero) := false
  | (succ (succ n)) := evenb n

We can define oddb by a similar recursive function, but here is a simpler definition:

def oddb (n:nat) : bool := bnot (evenb n)

example : oddb 1 = tt := rfl

example : oddb 4 = ff := rfl

(You will notice if you step through these proofs that simpl actually has no effect on the goal — all of the work is done by reflexivity. We’ll see more about why that is shortly.)

Naturally, we can also define multi-argument functions by recursion.

namespace nat_playground2

def plus : nat  nat  nat
  | zero m := m
  | (succ n) m := succ (plus n m)

Adding three to two now gives us five, as we’d expect.

#reduce (plus 3 2)

The simplification that Lean performs to reach this conclusion can be visualized as follows:

example : plus 3 2 = _ :=
calc   plus (succ (succ (succ zero))) (succ (succ zero))
     = succ (plus (succ (succ zero)) (succ (succ zero))) : rfl
                  -- by the second clause of the match
...  = succ (succ (plus (succ zero) (succ (succ zero)))) : rfl
                  -- by the second clause of the match
...  = succ (succ (succ (plus zero (succ (succ zero))))) : rfl
                  -- by the second clause of the match
...  = succ (succ (succ (succ (succ zero))))             : rfl
                  -- by the first clause of the match

You can match two expressions at once by putting a comma between them:

def minus : nat  nat  nat
  | zero _ := zero
  | n@(succ _) zero := n
  | (succ n) (succ m) := minus n m

Again, the _ in the first line is a wildcard pattern. Writing _ in a pattern is the same as writing some variable that doesn’t get used on the right-hand side. This avoids the need to invent a variable name.

As a notational convenience, if two or more arguments have the same type, they can be written together. In the following definition, (n m : nat) means just the same as if we had written (n : nat) (m : nat).

def subtracted_from (m n : nat) : nat := minus n m

So far, we have only displayed function arguments by either naming all of them or matching them in a function’s equation. The function mult below illustrates how we can mix and match the two styles:

def mult (m : nat) : nat  nat
  | zero := zero
  | (succ n) := plus m (mult n)

Notice how the recursive call to mult, (mult n) is given only one argument. This is because the named arguments — m in our case — implicitly remain the same through recursive calls. It can sometimes shorten the recursive calls in complex functions defined by recursion.

def exp (base : nat) : nat  nat
  | zero := succ zero
  | (succ p) := mult base (exp p)

end nat_playground2

Exercise: 1 star (factorial)

Recall the standard mathematical factorial function:

factorial(0)  =  1
factorial(n)  =  n * factorial(n-1)     (if n>0)

Translate this into Lean.

def factorial :    :=
sorry -- replace `:= sorry` with your definition

lemma test_factorial1 : (factorial 3) = 6   := sorry -- fill in here
lemma test_factorial2 : (factorial 5) = 120 := sorry -- fill in here

We can make numerical expressions a little easier to read and write by introducing notations for addition, multiplication, and subtraction.

local infixl + :=
local infixl - := nat_playground2.minus
local infixl * := nat_playground2.mult

(infixl adds a new infix, left-associative operator. Other keywords can be used for defining notation such as infix, infixr (right-associative) and notation (for free-form notation). “More on Notation” section at the end of this chapter.)

Note that these do not change the definitions we’ve already made: they are simply instructions to the Lean parser to accept x + y in place of plus x y and, conversely, to the Lean pretty-printer to display plus x y as x + y.

When we say that Lean comes with almost nothing built-in, we really mean it: even equality testing for numbers is a user-defined operation! We now define a function beq_nat, which tests natural numbers for equality, yielding a boolean. Note the use of nested matches (we could also have used a simultaneous match, as we did in minus.)

def beq_nat :     bool
| 0 0 := tt
| 0 _ := ff
| _ 0 := ff
| (nat.succ n) (nat.succ m) := beq_nat n m

The leb function tests whether its first argument is less than or equal to its second argument, yielding a boolean.

def leb :     bool
| 0 _ := tt
| (nat.succ n) 0 := ff
| (nat.succ n) (nat.succ m) := leb n m

lemma test_leb1 : leb 2 2 = tt := rfl
lemma test_leb2 : leb 2 4 = tt := rfl
lemma test_leb3 : leb 4 2 = ff := rfl

Exercise: 1 star (blt_nat)

The blt_nat function tests natural numbers for less-than, yielding a boolean. Instead of making up a new recursive function for this one, define it in terms of a previously defined functions.

-- Exercise: 1 star (blt_nat)
def blt_nat (a b : ) : bool :=
sorry -- replace `:= sorry` with your definition

lemma test_blt_nat1 : (blt_nat 2 2) = ff := sorry -- fill in here
lemma test_blt_nat2 : (blt_nat 2 4) = tt := sorry -- fill in here
lemma test_blt_nat3 : (blt_nat 4 2) = ff := sorry -- fill in here

Proof by Simplification

Proof by Rewriting

Proof by Case Analysis

More on Notation

Fixpoints and Structural Recursion

More Exercises